Reforestation of the local forest

Don't kill the trees, don't muddy the waters of our rivers. 
Don't rip open the guts of our earth.

Keokuk, Chief of the Sauk

Alaap is committed to reforestation in the central Himalayas, in Uttarakhand. This is done with direct involvement of the mountain villages, their inhabitants and in close cooperation with the government.

The main goals are the reforestation of the forests and thereby securing the water and food resources as well as increasing awareness of people, nature and the environment, i.e. sustainable forest management is strived for. All of this is under the direction of Sheeba Sen and her team. This project aims to bring the original forest back to the hilly regions of Uttarakhand, where mono cultures of pine trees dominate. Their life cycle assessment is practically zero and is largely useless for local residents.

Ecological changes in the course of climate change will lead to water scarcity in the future.
With a method named after Akira Miyawaki (Japanese scientist),
it is possible to increase the survival rate of the seedlings from 40-60% to over 90% and to achieve a length growth of the trees of one meter per year.  First test field, which our President Dr. med. Robert Graf together with the president of the district, Mr. Iqbal Ahmed, had inspected in January 2018, had inspected in January 2018, could already be successfully planted at the end of 2018.

Dr. Franziska Wenz wants to award the cleanest mountain village with an annual prize. This is intended to tackle the waste problem, which unfortunately is almost everywhere. In a second step, the problem of waste recycling will be tackled. We are convinced that these issues need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. With stroke of luck that this problem can be tackled at the same time as reforestation with involvement of village community, in particular the younger generations. Our Alaap team selects the annual winner.



Job creation

Strengthening environmental leadership and environmental awareness among the population

Reduce mass migration to cities

Securing the food supply and water resources

Additional earnings through the sale of seedlings


seedlings planted
villages involved
jobs created
Eco-Leader trained


About the region

All three projects are located in the Kumaon region of the state of Uttarakhand. On the left, you will find a map with illustrates areas, where our projects are on going. finden Sie eine Karte zur Veranschaulichung des Gebietes.

Mehr Informationen

Annual Review Alaap Aug 19-min (1) von Alaap 2017 – 2018:  Download

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As a non-profit association, we are dependent on donations to support the local people. Your donations will help us in every possible way in achieving goals of our different programs.
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